A 25 day crossing with a mixture of head winds, squalls and calms. This brought rain, mainly at night, and sun during the day. Reefed down at night. Extra crew included our daughter Ali and her boyfriend Anthony who stood watches and enabled us to get more sleep. Wonderful skies with moderate seas. Sadly our TowGen failed as did many others. The generator failed as did others and finally our engine alternator was only charging intermittently. It was difficult to keep the batteries charged with solar panels and wind generator. Hydrovane wind steering kept working. Swam off boat in calms mid Atlantic in blue seas 2 miles deep! Spotted whales and dolphins. Many flying fish but did not catch anything! Landfall in Antigua early morning with a sudden change in colour of sea to turquoise. Welcome in Jolly Harbour from family with champagne reception. Christmas lights on boat but does not feel like Christmas. 3 generation family get together, but all have returned to UK. Now at anchor in Freeman`s Bay off English Harbour as in picture. Christmas lunch with other Ralliers (80) and carol singing in Nelson`s Dockyard. Plan to move on to Dominica on Boxing Day. Happy Christmas to all our readers.