Sunday, March 22, 2009


French colonial architecture in Djibouti. First impressions were good. We travelled inland and stayed in a nomad camp. We saw volcanic pinnacles gushing hot springs and the salt lake was 150 m below sea level. Only the Dead Sea and the Sea of Galilee are more saline. The roads were poor and there was a continuous convoy of lorries transporting goods to Ethiopia which does not have a sea port. The E.U. are funding a new road here. Djibouti was surprisingly volcanic not sandy desert as we had imagined. Camel trains were also heading for Ethiopia and families move their worldly goods by camel. Sadly the end of our stay was marred by the fact that we were robbed as we slept on board. Hard to believe but 2 other yachts were also boarded at night whilst they slept. Now we face the Red Sea and strong head winds.


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