Sunday, May 25, 2008
Thursday, May 22, 2008
We have spent the last 3 weeks cruising the Society Islands which are covered in rich rain forest. Hotels are built on stilts in the lagoons. Islands visited include Raiatea, Tahaa and Bora Bora. Each island is surrounded by a reef and access to the lagoon is via a pass. Sampled several restaurants including `Bloody Mary`s` (of South Pacific fame) on Bora Bora. However, French Polynesia is very expensive and we will be glad to move on to Tonga, in a day or 2, where life is cheaper. Unable to upload photos because of slow internet connection.
Sunday, May 04, 2008
Approached Tahiti as dawn was breaking. Craggy volcanic island approached by a pass through the reef. Moored up at the town quay in Papeete, Mediterranean style, bows or stern to with pick up lines. First job was wash day and cleaning the boat. We also had to renew batteries as they had not been holding charge. Ordinary car batteries are as good as marine batteries. Welcomed by dancers in traditional dress. Round tour of the island to see Stephenson`s lighthouse and Cook`s memorial off Point Venus. There was also a memorial to Christian missionaries. The Tiki statue was typical of the ancient maraes where sacrifices were offered. We then sailed to Moorea to anchor in Cook`s Bay. 6 hour hike through tropical rain forest. Now anchored in a lovely lagoon off Opunohu Bay where the film Bounty was made. Note the local girls in outrigger canoe and the mass racing canoes. This felt like Grand National Day. This is the main national sport. 3 weeks to explore the Society Islands before reaching Tonga.