We visited Luxor in the Nile Valley. The change in scenery was stricking as we left the desert behind and entered the lush cultivation of the Nile valley. It is amazing what a bit of water does. We saw temples and tombs which were magnificent. They are still discovering new tombs in the Valley of the Kings. Tomorrow we are going to Cairo to see the pyramids.
We are at the bottom end of the Suez Canal awaiting our transit on April 11th. We nearly came to grief getting here when our engine concked out in the middle of the shipping lane and there was not enough wind to sail . We were taken in tow by the pilot boat which crushed all our guard rails down the side of the boat and almost demolished our shrouds which hold the mast up. It was a very scarey experience. Hugh is now becoming quite proficient at engine repairs! Crete is our next stop.
No photos because the internet link is too slow.